Category: Interior Design

How to use colour effectively in your office space.

Using color effectively in your office space can have a

What are the Advantages of LVT?

Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT) is a popular flooring option for

What is the Difference between Designing and Decorating?

Designing an office and decorating an office are two different

Pros and Cons of rendering your design concept

Rendering out an interior design concept involves creating a digital

Why add different textures within your office space?

Using multiple textures in the workplace is a great way

Lighting in the Workplace

Lighting in the workplace plays a crucial role in the

Are Glass Walls And Doors A Good Idea In An Office space?

Glass walls and doors in the workplace have become increasingly

Interior Design and the OBC

Why choose an Interior Designer to help with your renovation?

What is Commercial Interior Design?

Commercial Interior Design is the practice of designing and creating